Brené Brown: How Vulnerability Holds the Key to Emotional Intimacy

I think life sort of works like this – the more we seek something, the more the universe finds ways to introduce and incorporate it into our lives.  Our life is the sum total of our focus – that’s it.  My spiritual journey has consisted of several epiphanies that seem to have gotten more specific as time goes on.

This article found its way into my life today, and it hit home in ways I can’t explain.  The journey to become more vulnerable is hard, and its beautiful.  A must read:

Brené Brown: How Vulnerability Holds the Key to Emotional Intimacy.

One thought on “Brené Brown: How Vulnerability Holds the Key to Emotional Intimacy

  1. […] Brené Brown: How Vulnerability Holds the Key to Emotional Intimacy ( […]

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